Mondol Technology

How to Alphabetize In Google Docs List Sorting

How to Alphabetize In Google Docs List Sorting

Google docs is a word processing tool. It’s fully based online so you don’t have to download software for using google docs. You only need a web browser to edit or create a document on google docs. We are going to show you how to alphabetize in google docs list sorting in just one click. This will help you to organize your document as you want. You won’t find this feature by default.

We make a table/ list and a lot of things on a document of google docs. These things need to get sorted in any order. Most of us like to have our document sorry by alphabet. This is the easiest way to understand any document. in alphabetical order. The viewer who sees your document will be glad to read your document in that way. Google Sheets users can also try this method for sorting.

Alphabetical order list/ table/ paragraph increase visitor for any documents. If you ever forget to organize your document by any order, google docs will help you do that. Even if you make that in Microsoft word, you can put that in google drive and open it in google docs. Not only alphabetical order, but all the orders will also work with this method.

google docs alphabetize bullet points

Alphabetize in Google docs sorting

As Google doesn’t give you a sorting feature for alphabet or number, you have to add addons on google docs. Follow the steps below to organize your document list/ table in alphabetical order.

  • Go to the document that you want to order from your google drive.
  • If you don’t have a pre built list, you can create one for test.
  • After you create the list go to the top bar of google docs and click on “Add-ons”.
  • Click on “Get add-ons”. It will take you to the add-ons store for google docs.
  • You have to search for “Sorted Paragraph” using the search bar.
  • Only one result will appear here, Click on “+Free” button near the add-ons.
  • Within a few seconds, the add-on will be added to your google docs.
  • Now selecet the list you want to edit and go to the “add-ons” tabs again from the top menu.
  • You will get “Sorted Paragraph” here, click on that and it will give you option for “Sort A to Z” and “Sort Z to A”.
  • Choose the one you want for your list customization.
how to alphabetize in google docs table

By clicking on that you can manage to ascend and descending sort for your paragraph and list in google docs. You will find this option forever for any document of your google account. For editing the document in the same way from others’ accounts, you need to add the addon to their account first.

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Can add-ons make my computer slow?

  • A single add-ons won’t make any effect on your browsing experince but having a lot of them can do. Try using minimum add-on you want for managing your documents

Can I use a sort list alphabetically for all the documents?

  • Yes, you can apply the same process for all the document you have on your drive using your google account. You don’t need to add them again and again.
sorted paragraphs google docs

Will removing the add-one break my list order?

  • No, your list will be order alphabetically after removing or deleting the add-ons. But we suggest you to keep the add-on because it’s really helpful for organize a document.


Using google docs in an office is a common thing these days. You can do batter at a corporate office or any job section with your good skill at google docs. Google docs are providing so many features to improve user experience and make it easier for them. Get all kinds of google tips and develop your skill.