Mondol Technology

How to Change Discord Background (Dark & Light)

How to Change Discord Background (Dark & Light)

Discord users are increasing day by day. People are getting used to this media very quickly. A lot of communication features are available on this platform. You can customize your profile as you want. From changing the name to the background, everything is possible on discord. Let’s know how to change discord background color to dark or light. Customize the layout of discord using your computer or mobile app.

People have different color choices. Some people like to have a light background and some people want dark mode discord background. Most of the young people are the user of discord and they like to have a dark mode for everything. That’s why you got dark mode for almost every app and website. Even Microsoft is also coming with windows explorer dark mode. Big companies are introducing dark backgrounds to their website and apps. Discord is not different from them.

You can have a dark mode on your discord by following some simple steps. A user can change his background on discord for various reasons. Changing the background doesn’t make a lot of difference but for some people, it’s a big concern. Using discord for a lot of time in a day and not having a good background can irritate you a lot.

Change Discord Background

Discord is different on PC and mobile. If you are using a web browser, you may not feel much difference but application users get different interfaces and options for changing the background on discord using mobile(android/ iOS) and computers. We are going to discuss background changes for all the devices.

how to change your discord background on mobile

Using Mobile App (iOS/ Android)

A lot of users download discord from the play store or AppStore and communicate with their mobile device. They are also capable of changing the background using their device. Here’s how you are going to do it.

  • Open the discord app on your mobile device and go to your profile.
  • You will see profile option in the bottom of your screen.
  • Choose “User Settings” from the menu and go to “Appearnce”.
  • You will get the option for changing background to dark or light anything you want here.
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Android and iOS both devices have the same interface for the discord app, so you can apply the setting to whatever device you are using. Update your discord app for all the available features on it.

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Using Computer (Windows/ Mac)

Computer users basically use a web browser or the discord application to access their accounts. Both of these methods have the same option to change the background of discord. Follow these to change the background using your computer device.

background discord change on computer
  • Open the discord app or in web browser using google chrome or mozila firefox.
  • Login to your account.
  • Click on the small gear icon from the bottom of your screen.
  • All the available settings for discord is avialable here.
  • You will see “Apperance” Setting from here, click on that.
  • Here you will get two background chosing option.
  • One is dark and the other is light version.
  • Choose any of these you like.

Computer users can see the live preview of their background color which helps them to decide which color they should keep for permanent. Both of these backgrounds have different advantages and disadvantages.

custom discord background


What is the benefit of using dark mode on discord?

  • If you are using discord on a low light area, dark mode will be a great choice for you. Dark mode puts less effect on your eyes and helps you to look at the screen. Also it consumes less power. Mobile users can use this advantage for lasting more time on their battery.
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What is the benefit of using light mode on discord?

  • Light mode is good for those people who like to have everything colorful. It gives a glowing effect on your screen. Light mode looks great in the daytime. Dark version of discord is good for some people who have bad eyesight.


Changing the background on a device will change the appearance of all the devices. You can manually set the background of discord for the different devices. This information is necessary for those people who spend a lot of time on discord. There is a lot of good things you can do using discord.